Take a deep breath.
Yes. Right now.
Chances are good that if you’ve landed here, you need one. Maybe several.
It’s okay to be sad.
It’s okay to be scared.
It’s okay to be stuck.
Your divorce doesn’t mean your life is over. It means your life is changing. My goal is for you to overcome the breaking and piece together a beautiful new story in the remaking of your life. I’m committed to helping you discover what’s next and pursuing it with a full heart.

The art of Kintsugi can be helpful when thinking about divorce.
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery. The practice involves using lacquer mixed with gold, silver, or platinum to repair the pieces. It treats the breakage and repair as a part of the rich history of an object, rather than trying to hide it. The repair is literally illuminated, revered, and treasured, reminding us that our difficult circumstances can be remade more beautiful than they were before. When carefully pieced together, we can bring about a new object, a new story, or a new life thread that wouldn’t have been possible without the painful breaking. In doing so, you can become recognized for what you experienced and what beauty you made with it.
That is my hope for you.

Through my coaching practice, I’ll help you answer questions like:
What do I need to know as I contemplate getting divorced?
What logistics (financial, housing, legal process) do I need to prepare for?
How will I know if I should stay married or get divorced?
How do I best support my kids as they adjust?
What do I do with all of this pain, sadness, and anger?
How do I move into the differently-shaped space that is my life now?
How do I communicate with my former spouse when I’m triggered?
How can I avoid painful and costly mistakes as the divorce process unfolds?
How do I manage the wild emotions that divorce stirs up in me?
Will I ever be ok again?
I’m a CDC Certified Divorce Coach, author, wife, and mother who has personally lived the frustrating and enormously challenging struggle of surviving divorce while still working, raising kids, and participating in community life.
Today, I help people just like you navigate every stage of divorce from early emotional struggles to long-term visioning and rebuilding.
I give you vital tools that help you make a series of incredibly important decisions at a time when you feel most vulnerable and overwhelmed. I help you redirect the burning question of “What do I do?” into “Who can I become?” and in doing so, set the stage for the creative, capable, directed side of yourself to emerge. I create important space for you to acknowledge your emotions, assess your situation, and start to wrap your arms and heart around what is required of you as you step into this next phase of life.
Certified Divorce Coach
Certified Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach
Certified Amicable Divorce Coach
State of Arizona Licensed Social Worker
Collaboratively Trained Mental Health Professional
DCA Pre-Mediation Divorce Coach
Mosten Guthrie Trained Mediator
Level I Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy